Shadowbane Maps
Shadowbane is the newest game I've mapped for. It was a lot more fun than expected. Player-made cities turned mapping upside-down since things were always changing. I have made three maps of the "Freeholds"; the only places you are truly safe in this game. I hope you find them useful.

Anarchy Online Maps
Mapping for Anarchy Online was a great learning experience. I joined AO-Basher (archived) late in Beta IV and started mapping right away. Chaos, the manager of the site had extracted some map images from the game data. Before I even had my beta CD's I was putting together composites of the images Chaos provided. Once I got into beta I worked on a quick reference skill sheet, and some maps. After retail I continued to refine my mapping style and released maps of the Omni faction controlled parts of the game. My counterpart at AO-Basher, Zee, created some excellent maps for the rebel faction controlled areas. An exciting moment was when three of my maps were published in Computer Gaming World magazine. AO-Basher was mentioned and Zee also got maps published. I hear this game is a lot more fun now, so I hope that you can still use the maps!

Dark Age Of Camelot Map
I created one map for this MMORPG. It is made in a decorative style. This map has never been released. This is the only place to see it. It shows the continent of Hibernia where I played. My fellow mapper Muse has done a lot more work with this game.

World of Warcraft Map
A pre-beta map. This is fairly sparse right now, I will be adding landmarks when I get into the game. I'm also waiting to see how much information is available in the in-game world map.